Illegal dumping is the improper disposal of waste at any location other than where permitted, such as the forests of the Menominee Nation. This dumping is not only against the law (Tribal Ordinance) but poses a threat to human health, the environment, and wildlife.

The health risks associated with illegal dumping are significant.
Areas used for illegal dumping may by easily accessible to people, especially children, who are vulnerable to the physical (protruding nails or sharp edges) and chemical (harmful fluids or dust) hazards posed by wastes.
Rodents, insects, and even other vermin attracted to dump sites may also pose health risks.
Dump sites with scrap tires provide an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes that can carry diseases such as West Nile Virus.
In addition property damage and forest fires have been caused because of dump sites that have caught fire, either by spontaneous combustion or arson.
Finally, runoff from dump sites containing chemicals may contaminate wells used for drinking and surface water used for fishing, or gathering of native plants.
What can you do? First of all take all you garbage and waste to the transfer station in Keshena, or use the household collection service available. Secondly if you see someone dumping in the forest copy down their license number and report the illegal activity to the Conservation Department at 715-799-5116 or call 911. Working together we can keep our forests clean.